While most types of addiction we hear about have to do with substance abuse, there is actually an entire world full of all sorts of addictive habits that are deemed (mostly) acceptable by society. Some of these addictive traits are pretty harmless, while others can actually affect your life closer to the way that substance abuse might do, although probably not quite that much. The tolerance of much of these addictive habits will probably have to do with the people around the person who exhibits these habits, but they still remain with far less stigma. Here are some of these tolerable addictive habits...
There are many people who become addicted to the feeling that exercise gives them. A good exercise will release endorphins into your body that make you feel pleasurable, in a similar way that sex might (although perhaps not as much). This addictive habit may not seem all that bad, because exercise is typically very good for you, and most people are probably not getting enough of it. However, there are people out there who exercise to the point that it is dangerous for their health. Typically, these people wish to engage in exercise with most of their time. This addiction can lead to over-exertion of one’s muscles, which can lead to exhaustion and chronic injuries that will destroy the body over time.
Time-consuming hobbies
Almost every person engages in some sort of hobby with their time. Indeed, one might be perceived as boring and unbalanced if they do not. However, some hobbies are certainly more time consuming than others, and certain individuals are more likely than others to get lost in those hobbies. Now, that’s not to say that everyone who devotes themselves to something makes them feel more fulfilled is Walter White, but it’s important to make sure that you aren’t spending your entire life lost in a seemingly innocent hobby (such as intense collections, furniture restoration, or even just surfing the internet).
Compulsive shopping
Everybody goes shopping. Everybody likes getting new things. This is why it is often difficult to spot the addiction of compulsive shopping before someone’s life has become consumed by their purchases. People who engage in compulsive shopping often destroy their credit and their savings before being able to fully address their addiction. The worst part is that many of their purchases are not necessary at all, and really add no benefit to their lives.